Gurkha cigars unveils new value cigars at TPE 2020
TAMARAC, FL – Gurkha Cigars has always prided itself on offering a selection of cigars at various of price points and flavor profiles. This year the cigar manufacturer has added to its value cigar repertoire by introducing Castle Hall, a Connecticut seed wrapped value cigar available by the cigar or the box for less than $5 a cigar. They have also extended the popular Prize Fighter line, the value bundle cigar, by adding a maduro version.
“These new offerings epitomizes what a value cigar should be which a great cigar for a great price,” said Jim Colucci, President of Gurkha Cigars. “These cigars have the quality and flavor of premium cigars but at an incredibly attractive price point.”
Castle Hall was an old Cuban brand revitalized by Gurkha. In honor of this cigar’s heritage, Gurkha has created a amazing Dominican cigar with an even more amazing price point. Castle Hall features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, a Ecuadorian Habano binder and a Nicaraguan and Dominican filler. This mild to medium smooth cigar will be available in three sizes and is set to ship in the first quarter. The cigars will be available for under in 20 count boxes in the following three sizes:
- Robusto (5×52)
- Toro (6×54)
- Magnum (6×60)
Gurkha’s popular bundle cigar, the Prize Fighter, is now available as a maduro. The Dominican cigar is crafted using a maduro wrapper, a Sumatra binder and a Cuban sandwich filler of Dominican Longfiller and a Dominican short filler. The Prize Fighter Maduro will be available in the same sizes as it’s Connecticut counterpart and packaged in 20-count bundles, 60-count/3 compartment trays and specially designed fresh-lock pouches (5 cigars per pouch/8 pouch outer).
- Robusto (5×52)
- Toro (6×54)
- XO (6×60)
Gurkha Cigars are known throughout the world for their premium cigars, so it’s no surprise that they are some of the most sought-after cigars around the globe. Gurkha produces millions of cigars per year that are sold in more than 70 countries worldwide. And while Gurkha has been known for its exclusivity, the company also has an impressive array of brands of flawlessly handcrafted, premium cigars created in a variety of strengths, tasting profiles and price-points. No matter what your taste, there’s a Gurkha cigar that’s perfect for your palate.